BlueScope steel product solutions for bushfire areas: NASH Bushfire Standard
The National Association of Steel-Framed Housing (NASH) is an industry body that develops Standards for low-rise steel framing. The NASH Standard for Steel Framed Construction in Bushfire Areas sets out acceptable construction details for residential and low-rise buildings in bushfire-prone areas. The Standard incorporates two simple and cost-effective solutions based on Bushfire Attack Levels of BAL-12.5 to BAL-FZ as defined in AS 3959:2018.
The NASH Bushfire Standard is referenced in the National Construction Code (NCC) as a Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) solution for the design and construction of steel-framed homes in bushfire areas in all States1 and Territories.
Construction details to the NASH Bushfire Standard are available for a range of COLORBOND® steel and ZINCALUME® steel-clad residential roofing and walling systems in conjunction with framing made from TRUECORE® steel. These construction details are contained in BlueScope’s design guide, BlueScope Steel Product Solutions for Bushfire Areas - NASH Bushfire Standard. This design guide has been developed to provide assistance to homeowners, builders and designers who are looking to build or re-build homes in bushfire-prone areas BAL-12.5 to BAL-FZ.
The details in this design guide summarise simple and cost-effective solutions to comply with the NCC using the NASH Bushfire Standard.
Alternative paths to compliance to the NCC are included in Australian Standard AS 3959:2018: "Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas".
For further details regarding the use of BlueScope’s products in the design of buildings located in bushfire-prone areas, please contact BlueScope Steel Direct.
Note that additional requirements may apply