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Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): DECKFORM® steel

DECKFORM® steel Environmental Product Declaration in accordance with ISO 14025 and EN 15804:2012+A2:2019.

Global GreenTag GreenRate™ certificate - TRUECORE® steel, ZINCALUME® steel, DECKFORM® steel/Low Glare DECKFORM® steel, GALVABOND® steel & GALVASPAN® steel
ResponsibleSteel™ certification Port Kembla Steelworks - Building Sustainable Futures

ResponsibleSteel™ is the industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standard and certification program. It has been designed to ensure customers, stakeholders and consumers can be confident that the steel they use has been sourced and produced responsibly.

Specify with Confidence - Product Reference Guide

A guide to specifying steel from BlueScope. BlueScope's 'Specify with Confidence' Product Reference Guide helps specifiers make informed decisions when selecting steel products. This concise guide covers BlueScope’s coated and uncoated steel products, their applications, and compliance attributes.

Steel Sustainability Australia (SSA) Verified Supplier Certificate - BlueScope Steel Limited

This certificate verifies that the nominated manufacturing sites and manufactured products are compliant to the requirements of Credit 4.1 Steel Supply Sourcing of the Steel Sustainability Australia Certification Program.

Technical Bulletin TB 07 - Care of BlueScope coated steel products prior to installation

This Technical Bulletin provides guidance on protection for metal coated and prepainted steel products whilst in storage and awaiting installation.

Technical Bulletin TB 29 - Guide to good practice - DECKFORM® steel for structural steel decking

This Technical Bulletin provides general information regarding the use of DECKFORM® steel.

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